這是我第一次以藝術家的身份出國來到印度的克什米爾 Kashmir,與來自於印尼,台灣,新加坡,越南,冰島,印度,和尼泊爾的藝術家進行為期14天的藝術交流,名為 International Spring Art Camp的藝術營。主要畫兩幅作品予有關當局,其住宿,膳食,交通費皆由當局承擔。在此,我也要感謝藝術家黃美推薦,難得的機會。
This is my first time represent Malaysia as an Artist to attend International Spring Art Camp in Kashmir, India. The Art camp participant consist of Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Iceland, India, and Nepal. Each Artist has to complete two pieces of art work in 14 days to the organiser, and they will provide the fee of accommodation, food, and transport. I was appreciated my introducer, Artist Ng bee for this Art camp, It was a great opportunity to explore and learn from other.
My work in progress, This is the first time I try to cut the canvas.
Guest and VIP was looking at my work in the opening
The venue of the Art camp is located in a privated school
The studio for all the Artist, so we can share our experience
Beside making Art, the organiser also bring us to visit the local famous
We are so lucky to meet the Nomads
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